Monday, December 20, 2021

Monday, December 13, 2021

Büyük Sinan Mehmet Fatma Dalan Primary School
Züleyha Akçora
Our lovely lovebird ❤


Büyük Sinan Mehmet Fatma Dalan Primary School
Züleyha Akçora
We voted for logos


Büyük Sinan Mehmet Fatma Dalan Primary School
Züleyha Akçora
We painted logos for our project


Büyük Sinan Mehmet Fatma Dalan Primary School
Züleyha Akçora
A lesson on e-safety


Büyük Sinan Mehmet Fatma Dalan Primary School
Züleyha Akçora
Konya, where we live ❤


Züleyha Akçora

Büyük Sinan Mehmet Fatma Dalan Primary School
Züleyha Akçora
My Lovely Students



Primary School of Argyropouli

Thomie Siskou-Ellie Masoura 

We prepared  beautiful cards and gifts for our partners!


Primary School of Argyropouli

Thomie Siskou-Ellie Masoura 

Our logos!



Primary School of Argyropouli

Thomie Siskou-Ellie Masoura 

B' class goldfish-Nemo!


E' class goldifish-Vaggelakis



Primary School of Argyropouli

Thomie Siskou-Ellie Masoura

A lesson on e-Safety at school

We saw videos about e-safety!  


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Thursday, October 28, 2021

My students' logo


Lesson on e-safety


Arcevia: the town of A. Anselmi primary school


Animals are man's best friends. Thanks to animals, children never feel alone and develop life skills such as empathy, affectivity, self -control and the ability to take care of others. This interdisciplinary project aims to sensitize students to respect the world of animals, not only domestic ones, but also the wild ones that are the sentinels of the environments in which they live. Each animal has its own importance for the life of our planet and for this it must be protected.

  • The goals are:
  • improve intercultural exchange for the construction of European citizenship
  • encourage the construction of a cultural identity in a European perspective
  • improve empathy and emotional intelligence
  • become aware of the problems of animals: habitat destruction, exploitation,  mistreatment
  • learn about animal rights
  • develop creativity also through laboratory teaching
  • improve learning through the use of ICT
  • learn L2 in a contextualized way
  • improve reading and comprehension skills
  • stimulate motivation and interest